文章主要介绍了出国留学证明的办理流程,包括出国留学收益证明、存款证明等问题。文章指出,出国留学前需要准备好所有必需材料,包括户口簿、身份证、护照等。对于出国留学收益证明,可以通过挂靠公司或出具父母收益证明等方式解决。存款证明是留学的重要资产证明,可以通过金融机构出具,但需注意冻结期限和使用规定。此外,文章还介绍了英国留学存款证明的开具方法和注意事项。对于##学生,留学归国证明需在中联办办理,同时需注意360天的计算规范。整体来说,出国留学证明办理需要充分了解流程和规定,确保材料齐全、符合要求。 -
This article mainly deals with the process of applying for a study visa in different countries like Canada, Australia, the U.S., and Japan, emphasizing the need for financial sponsorship or guarantee. It discusses the format and content correctness of the visa sponsorship form, and how to query the electronic version of the form. The translation of the financial guarantee letter is also provided. The article also explains the specific rules for financial guarantees in Canada, Japan, and other countries, including the requirement for economic sponsors to provide proof of funds, the types of acceptable documents as proof, and the need for a local sponsor in some cases. For UK study, an economic sponsorship letter is required, stating that the sponsor ensures payment of various fees during the student's stay. The applicant and their parents, as well as the sponsor, have worked for about 30 years and are willing to provide a bank deposit of 10,000 RMB as expenses for the master's degree. They guarantee the student will not encounter financial difficulties or violate any laws during her stay. Any issues will be their responsibility. Additionally, information on bank statements and study visa guarantees is provided.