
  • 英语六级得了几分,英语六级得了几分,满分得了几分,及格得了几分。


  • 英语六级作文型及英语六级作文型结构大全

    My School

    I love my school which is nice and big. Its name is ShaHe School. My school is full of activities and knowledge.

    There are forty-two classrooms in my school. In each classroom, students are learning from knowledgeable teachers. There are many trees in the school, providing a cool and refreshing environment. Behind the school, there is a big farm where we can enjoy the natural beauty.

    The teachers are very friendly and get on well with their students. We all respect and admire our teachers for their dedication and expertise. In class, we study hard and learn new knowledge from our teachers. At the rest time, we do sports and play games together, making friends and having fun. Our teachers teach us smartly, always ready to help us whenever we need it.

    At the front gate of our school, there are many different kinds of trees, providing a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. On the left and right of the gate, there are modern buildings where we usually have our classes. Through the playground, you can see the swimming pool and the library, which are both popular places for us students.

    Our school is also very safe, like a warm family. We feel protected and cared for here. I love my school because it provides me with knowledge, friends, and fun activities. It's a place where I can grow and learn, making memories that will last a lifetime.


    The school has a strict management system in place to ensure effective learning. Teachers regularly monitor our progress and provide feedback to help us improve. We are also encouraged to self-study and seek help when needed. The school organizes various activities to enhance our learning experience, such as field trips, workshops, and competitions. These activities help us apply what we learn in class to real-life situations, making the learning process more meaningful and enjoyable.

