美国波特兰大学(University of Portland)是一所位于俄勒冈州波特兰市的私立天主教大学。该校成立于1901年,是一所以本科教育为主的综合性大学,也是美国西部地区最古老的大学之一。波特兰大学拥有优秀的师资力量和丰富的教学资源,致力于为学生提供优质的教育和全面的发展机会。
University of Portland
This is to certify that
[Student Name]
has successfully completed the course of study and is awarded this
Bachelor of Arts (or Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing, etc.)
with all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.
In witness whereof, the seal of the University and the signatures of the proper officers are hereto affixed.
Given at Portland, Oregon, this [Date] day of [Month], [Year].
President: [President's Signature]
Dean: [Dean's Signature]
University of Portland
This is to certify that
[Student Name]
has successfully completed the course of study and is awarded this
Bachelor of Arts (or Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing, etc.)
with all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.
In witness whereof, the seal of the University and the signatures of the proper officers are hereto affixed.
Given at Portland, Oregon, this [Date] day of [Month], [Year].
President: [President's Signature]
Dean: [Dean's Signature]
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