本章典型试题串讲 [单选]被审计单位借入了长期负债, 在年末 计算利息的时候算错了相应的利息金额, 计单位管理当局违反的“认定”是计价和分摊。
QUESTION NO: 127 What is the result of increasing the value of the parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT during a rebalance operation? 重新平衡操作期间,增加ASM能力限制参数值的结果是什么? A. The ASM rebalance operation will likely consume fewer resources and complete in a shorter amount of time. B. The ASM rebalance operation will consume fewer resources and complete in a longer amount of time. C. The ASM rebalance operation will be parallelized and should complete in a shorter amount of time. ASM再平衡操作将被并行化,并应在一个更短的时间内完成。
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