1 Advantageous and fun location in the heart of Atlanta
2 Diversity of the student body
3 Many programs and majors to choose from
4 Entertainment on and off campus; there's always something to do
5 Tons of job and internship opportunities
6 Understanding faculty and staff
7 Impressive student facilities
8 The massive University Library
9 Lots of food options
10 New and up-to-date dormitories
11 Forces you to get acclimated with city streets and major venues
12 Discounted MARTA passes
1 Outsiders committing crimes against students (mostly theft or robbery)
2 The traffic going in and out of the city
3 The lack of school spirit
4 Always having to pay for (expensive) parking
5 Handicap accessibility
6 The panhandlers that make it onto campus
7 Few late-night resources; most everything (food, drink, entertainment) immediately around or on campus has regular business hours
8 The spread-out campus
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