各分支服务点可提供多种语言的翻译服务,以下截图仅供翻译同事参考,written translation,document translation markets.
基本信息Basic Information
PROMISEU Translation Studio is one of the professional foreign affairs
translation studios established in 2009. Currently we established branches in
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu respectively. Each branch can provide
translation services in multiple languages. Our studio is engaged in all kinds
of text translation, interpretation, written translation, accompanying
interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, multimedia dubbing, software
website localization and other services. It has become the flagship brand in
the local legal, financial, engineering, chemical, medical and technical
document translation markets.
【 干货 】(由于格式转换,上传内容不在同一表格,以下截图仅供翻译同事参考。)
毕业证样本网创作《驾驶证英文翻译样本(中国驾照英文翻译模板的主要内容已经完成!)》发布不易,请尊重! 转转请注明出处:https://www.czyyhgd.com/713992.html