学校师资力量雄厚。目前,学校有特级教师、特级后备人才、市区级学科带头人和骨干教师近70人,占教师总数40%。高级教师114人,占教师总数的60%多,在常州大市范围内名列前茅。2011年,周敏老师被评为首届常州市十佳青年教师,一大批老师成为市区“道德模范”、“育人模范”、“减负增效优秀教师” 和 “华英奖”获得者。优秀的教师队伍,为学校的持续发展提供了不竭的动力。
Brief Introduction of Jiangsu Wujin Senior Middle School
Jiangsu Wujin Senior Middle School, established in 1946,is located in Wujin District, Changzhou city near the former residence of the famous Chinese democrat, Li Gongpu. Known as a provincial key middle school as well as a national model school, it has a total enrollment of 3000 teachers and students. The school owns advanced teaching and living facilities. Each teacher is equipped with a laptop computer, which helps them conduct the class more efficiently. The library, which is a provincial model one, houses a total of over 130,000 books. The science center is regarded as first class in China and all the labs are of the top standard. The campus is decorated with various green trees and beautiful flowers, contributing a peaceful and pleasant environment. It is a typical garden school.
The school possesses a team of talented teachers with rich teaching experience, high academic level as well as certain creativity. Eight of them have received master?s degree; thirty-one have completed the courses for post-graduates. Sixty-six percent of the teachers constitute the backbone of the teaching ? one special grade teacher, one provincial specialist , three reserve special grade teachers, two national key teachers, eight provincial key teachers and many other leading teachers of different level. Most of them have been praised and awarded in various teaching competitions by either the province or the city.
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