复刻(UoA)奥克兰大学毕业证书,University of Auckland diploma

摘要:University of Auckland是一所位于新西兰最大城市奥克兰市中心的公立大学,创建于1883年。该大学拥有七个校区和三个教学点,拥有八个学术学院,提供超过140种专业学位或证书课程。该校拥有先进的教学方法和科技,吸引了来自世界各地的学生,国际学生名额有限,学习机会珍贵。作为世界知名大学,其毕业生在全球范围内受到认可。该大学是新西兰唯一被提名为21个国际一流大学和太平洋沿岸大学协会的成员之一。

Chinese name: University of Auckland

Foreign name: The University of Auckland

复刻(UoA)奥克兰大学毕业证书,University of Auckland diploma

Abbreviation: UoA

Founded: 1883

Material number: 2022071715

Nature of running a school: public university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image classification: University of Auckland graduation certificate sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: bronzing anti-counterfeiting, embossed steel stamp

Faculty Profile: Business, Engineering, Science, Architectural Planning, Art, Education, Medicine, Law, etc.

School website:

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.17

The University of Auckland is located near the commercial center of Auckland, New Zealand's largest city. It is close to the ocean and has a mild and pleasant climate. The University of Auckland is quite large, with seven campuses and three teaching sites, namely City Campus, Epsom Campus, Grafton Campus, North Shore Campus, Tai Tokerau Campus, Newmarket Campus, Kawakawa, Leigh Marine Reserve and Manukau.

The University of Auckland has eight academic faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Design and Humanities, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Natural Sciences.

It not only has a long history, but also has the most advanced scientific technology and teaching methods. The school currently has more than 40,000 students, including 31,000 undergraduates, 8,000 master students, 3,000 doctoral students, and 6,000 overseas students from more than 100 countries. But because of the University of Auckland's reputation around the world, top students from Australia and New Zealand are flocking to the University of Auckland. The number of international students is very limited, it is difficult to get admission positions, and learning opportunities are precious. In addition, there are nearly 5,000 faculty members. The University of Auckland warmly welcomes students from all over the world and has been accepting international students for over 40 years.

As a world-renowned university, the University of Auckland offers more than 140 professional degree or certificate programs. All University of Auckland qualifications are recognised internationally. The University of Auckland's tradition is to be proud of its graduates who have achieved success around the world. The University of Auckland is the only university in New Zealand to be shortlisted for 21 Universitas 21 and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities. Membership of these two organizations is limited to those internationally leading research universities in various disciplines, and they must be invited to join.


Foreign University Graduation Certificate Sample | British University Graduation Certificate Processing | American University Diploma Sample |

Copyright notice: The University of Auckland graduation certificate on this site is collected from the Internet and is only for personal learning and exchange.

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