法国艺术学院毕业证图片,Diploma of French Academy of Art,公立大学的美术系与前面介绍的美院相比,更偏重理论性和研究性。如果希望获得更多的实践机会,或是有利于毕业后跻身相应艺术专业领域,那么读公立大学就不如其它两类学校有利。公立大学的文凭却是统一而有保障的。2004年开始法国高等教育改制为LMD系统,即学习3年可获得准学士文凭(LICENCE),5年可获得硕士文凭(MASTER),8年是博士文凭(DOCTORAT)。在综合大学读艺术的优点是文凭统一,而且有保障,缺点是理论大于实践。对于想回国从事教育事业的艺术类留学生来说,公立大学的美术专业是个好选择。公立大学艺术专业提供以下两个文凭:
造型艺术(ARTS PLASTIQUES):包括油画,雕塑,艺术理论等纯艺术课程。提供这个文凭的综合大学比较多,比较有名的有巴黎一大,巴黎八大,蒙彼利埃三大,马赛一大,里尔三大,波尔多三大,雷恩二大,斯特拉斯堡二大,图卢兹二大等。
Diploma of French Academy of Art, the art department of a public university is more theoretical and research than the art academy introduced earlier. If you want to gain more practical opportunities, or help you enter the corresponding art professional field after graduation, then going to a public university is not as beneficial as the other two types of schools. Diplomas from public universities are unified and guaranteed. In 2004, the French higher education system was transformed into the LMD system, that is, 3 years of study to obtain an associate degree (LICENCE), 5 years to obtain a master's degree (MASTER), and 8 years to obtain a doctoral diploma (DOCTORAT). The advantage of studying art in a comprehensive university is that the diploma is unified and guaranteed. The disadvantage is that theory is greater than practice. Art majors in public universities are a good choice for art students who want to return to China to pursue education. The arts major at public universities offers the following two diplomas:
Plastic Arts (ARTS PLASTIQUES): including oil painting, sculpture, art theory and other pure art courses. There are many comprehensive universities offering this diploma, the more famous ones are Paris 1, Paris 8, Montpellier 3, Marseille 1, Lille 3, Bordeaux 3, Rennes 2, Strasbourg Second major, Toulouse second major and so on.
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