复刻(UW)华盛顿大学毕业证,University of Washington diploma,
外文名:University of Washington
简 称:UW
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1908年,前华盛顿大学建筑被拆除。华盛顿大学的建校大楼只有四个柱廊。历史系主任米妮和他的同事赫伯特·康登(Herbert Condon)将这四大支柱命名为“忠诚”、“勤勉”、“信仰信念”、“效率效率”,合起来就是“生命生活”。这四根柱子存在于华盛顿大学的西尔万·格罗夫剧院。
两次世界大战见证了华盛顿大学的快速发展。华盛顿大学著名的“人文广场广场(Quad of Humanities Square)”于1916年开始修建,施工一直持续到1939年。苏兹洛图书馆的前两翼分别于1926年和1939年完工。它被认为是大学的核心建筑。这一时期最重要的发展是1946年华盛顿大学医学院和华盛顿大学医学中心的建立。世界知名的华盛顿大学医学院和医学中心长期被《美国新闻与世界报道》和专业机构列为美国五大医学院和医学中心。
20世纪六七十年代,华盛顿大学迎来了发展的“黄金时代”。从1958年到1973年,在查尔斯·奥德加德校长的领导下,华盛顿大学的学生、师资、设施、运营预算和学术声誉都有了很大的提高,在世界研究型大学中名列前茅。奥德加德总统设想建立一个“学者社区”,并说服华盛顿州议会增加对大学的投资。此外,华盛顿州参议员亨利·杰克逊(Henry Jackson)和沃伦·g·马格努森(Warren G. magnuson)利用其政治影响力争取联邦研究基金。自1974年以来,华盛顿大学因其卓越的学术研究实力,一直是美国获得联邦R&D基金最多的公立大学。
Chinese name: University of Washington
Foreign name: University of Washington
Abbreviation: UW
Founded: 1861
Material number: 2022071939
Nature of running a school: public university
File type: JPEG image (.jpg)
Image classification: University of Washington graduation certificate sample
Certificate anti-counterfeiting: bump bronzing
Faculty Profile: School of Business, School of Medicine, School of Engineering, School of Law, School of Architecture, School of Education, School of Music, School of Fine Arts, etc.
School website:
Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited
Certificate upload time: 2022.7.19
The University of Washington was formally established on November 4, 1861. It was originally named Washington Regional University. The following year, the legislature formally incorporated it into the university, and an accreditation committee was established. At the beginning of its establishment, the University of Washington was closed many times due to insufficient funds and insufficient student resources. It wasn't until 1876 that Clara Antoinette McCarty Wilt became the first graduate of the University of Washington. She received a Bachelor of Science degree. By 1889, Seattle and the University of Washington had grown significantly, and the University of Washington's enrollment had grown from an initial 30 to nearly 300.
In 1895, the school moved from the city center to its new campus, moving into the newly built Denny Hall. The University of Washington still owns the downtown Seattle metropolitan area, one of Seattle's most valuable properties, bringing in millions of dollars a year for the University of Washington.
In 1908, the former University of Washington building was demolished. The building of the University of Washington has only four colonnades. History Department chair Minnie and his colleague Herbert Condon named the four pillars "loyalty," "diligence," "faith," and "efficiency," which together are "life of life." . The four columns exist at the Sylvain Grove Theater at the University of Washington.
In 1909, organizers of the Alaska Yukon Exposition struck a deal with the University of Washington to open the undeveloped campus as an exhibit area. The Expo Park, designed by renowned landscape architect John Charles Olmsted, was later incorporated into the overall campus plan of the University of Washington, permanently influencing the layout of the campus.
The two world wars witnessed the rapid development of the University of Washington. Construction on the University of Washington's famous "Quad of Humanities Square" began in 1916 and continued until 1939. The first two wings of the Suzlow Library were completed in 1926 and 1939 respectively. It is considered the core building of the university. The most important development of this period was the establishment in 1946 of the University of Washington School of Medicine and the University of Washington Medical Center. The world-renowned University of Washington School of Medicine and Medical Center has long been listed as the top five medical schools and medical centers in the United States by U.S. News and World Report and professional organizations.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the University of Washington ushered in a "golden age" of development. From 1958 to 1973, under the leadership of President Charles Odegaard, the University of Washington's students, faculty, facilities, operating budget and academic reputation have greatly improved, ranking among the best research universities in the world. President Odegaard envisioned a "community of scholars" and persuaded the Washington state legislature to increase investment in universities. In addition, Washington state Senators Henry Jackson and Warren G. magnuson used their political clout to win federal research funding. Since 1974, the University of Washington has been the public university with the most federal R&D funds in the United States because of its outstanding academic research strength.
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