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康考迪亚大学毕业证样本,Diplome universitaire Concordia
外文名:Concordia University
简 称:Concordia
文件类型:JPEG 图像 (.jpg)
康考迪亚大学(Concordia University),简称康大或Concordia,是位于加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔的一所知名综合类公立大学,1974年由两所百年老校Sir G. Williams大学与Loyola大学合并而成。康考迪亚大学拥有约4.6万在校学生,来自全球130多个国家,是加拿大办学规模最大和国际化程度最高的高等院校之一。康大设有100多个本科专业及100多个硕博专业,授课语言为英文。排名方面位列加拿大综合类大学前十,以治学严格而著称。
康考迪亚大学的John Molson商学院被普遍认可为世界一流的商学院,是加拿大第一所通过国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)认证的商学院(全球仅不到5%的商学院获此认证),众多知名商界精英与金融界领袖都曾在此求学。工程与计算机学科的各专业均通过了“加拿大工程认证机构(CEAB)”和“美国工程技术认证机构(ABET)”的认证,学位证书在北美的认可度非常高。艺术方面,康大的电影学院是加拿大最大的高校电影研究中心,其毕业生包括奥斯卡奖和金马奖得主。
康大以盛产总裁而闻名,在毕业生任世界500强企业总裁数排名中位列世界第33位,其毕业生包括加拿大帝国商业银行总裁McCaughey,加拿大第二大电讯公司TELUS的总裁Entwistle,加拿大第一大保险公司MANULIFE的总裁Alessandro,加拿大第一大金融集团Power Corporation of Canada的总裁Desmarais,全球第一大金矿公司Barrick Gold的总裁Wilkins,财富排名世界第一的建筑公司AECOM的水电和大坝业务北美副总裁Vissa等。
Chinese name: Concordia University
Foreign name: Concordia University
Abbreviation: Concordia
Founded: 1974
Material number: 202207149
Nature of running a school: public university
File type: JPEG image (.jpg)
Image Category: Concordia University Graduation Certificate Sample
Certificate anti-counterfeiting: bump bronzing anti-counterfeiting
Faculty Profile: School of Business, School of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Arts, etc.
School website:
Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited
Certificate upload time: 2022.7.13
Concordia University (Concordia University), referred to as Concordia or Concordia, is a well-known comprehensive public university located in Montreal, Canada's second largest city. In 1974, it was merged by two century-old Sir G. Williams University and Loyola University. made. Concordia University has about 46,000 students from more than 130 countries around the world. It is one of the largest and most international institutions of higher learning in Canada. Kangda has more than 100 undergraduate majors and more than 100 master and doctoral majors, and the language of instruction is English. In terms of rankings, it ranks among the top ten comprehensive universities in Canada, and is known for its rigorous scholarship.
Concordia University's John Molson School of Business is generally recognized as a world-class business school and is the first business school in Canada to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) (less than 5% of the world's business schools have obtained this Certification), many well-known business elites and financial leaders have studied here. All majors in engineering and computer science have passed the certification of "Canadian Engineering Accreditation Agency (CEAB)" and "American Engineering Technology Accreditation Agency (ABET)", and the degree certificate is very highly recognized in North America. In the arts, UConn's School of Film is Canada's largest university film research center, and its graduates include Oscar and Golden Horse winners.
Kangda is famous for its rich presidents, ranking 33rd in the world in the number of graduates serving as presidents of Fortune 500 companies. Its graduates include McCaughey, president of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and Entwistle, president of Canada's second largest telecommunications company, TELUS, Canada. Alessandro, president of MANULIFE, the largest insurance company, Desmarais, president of Power Corporation of Canada, the largest financial group in Canada, Wilkins, president of Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining company, and hydropower and large-scale construction company of AECOM, the world’s largest construction company. Vissa, Vice President, North America, Dam Business, et al.
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