复刻(LSE)伦敦政治经济学院毕业证,LSE Diploma


Chinese name: London School of Economics and Political Science

Foreign name: The London School of Economics and Political Science

复刻(LSE)伦敦政治经济学院毕业证,LSE Diploma

Abbreviation: LSE

Founded: 1895

Material number: 2022071702

School nature: British public university

File type: JPEG image (.jpg)

Image classification: LSE graduation certificate sample

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: laser laser

Faculty Profile: Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Management, International Relations, Law, Anthropology, Sociology, History, etc.

School website:

Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited

Certificate upload time: 2022.7.17

In 1895, the LSE was established on the initiative of a group of Fabian members of the British Fabianism who advocated Fabianism. The ancient Roman general Bian Yuan was known for his devious tactics. The ideological trend that emerged in the UK in the 1980s and advocated the realization of socialism through moderate reforms was called Fabianism.

In 1900, LSE joined the University of London as part of the University of London. Two years later, it awarded its first undergraduate degree. LSE is one of the largest colleges in the University of London consortium.

LSE has 18 departments and 26 research centers or institutes, offering a number of social science-related majors such as economics, mathematics and statistics, history, law and philosophy. As the Latin school motto "Rerum cognoscere causas" says, over the years, LSE has followed the principles of fair running and research. Its deans and professors have different political leanings and come from different school backgrounds, which underscores the college's eclectic philosophy.

LSE is geographically close to UK political, business and media centres such as the Houses of Parliament, the Prime Minister's Office, various important financial institutions, the High Court and the BBC. Therefore, frequent exchanges and close contact with the outside world. Every year, many world-renowned leaders and distinguished professionals from all walks of life visit. Their public lectures, teaching and personal research activities in the college not only greatly enrich the academic resources of the college, but also further strengthen the academic status of the college. Including Xilin, Lin Dong, etc. Part of the original dormitory building has been renovated into an office building.

In 2000, the University of Bath established a new campus in Oakfield. The campus mainly offers undergraduate courses such as children's studies and social work. Officially closed in 2008.


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