娄底立珊中学。 校园设计新颖、布局合理,教学区、办公区、生活区、运动区,分区明确,相对独立又相互辉映,构成一组设计科学、规模宏大的建筑群,楼楼相通,造型别致。让能走的走得更快,让能跑的跑得更远,让能飞的飞得更高,是我们坚定不移的追求!我们将以优异的成绩,为我区教育现代化作出新的贡献!
D. The archived log files are missing for which backup is not available. Answer: B,C QUESTION NO: 2 Examine the following values of the initialization parameters in the database having the SID ORCL: 检查以下在数据库中具有ORCL SID的初始化参数的值: /bdump /udump /cdump DIAGNOSTIC_DEST= The environment variables have /oracle the following /db_1 What is the location of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) home? 自动诊断信息库(ADR)之家 在什么位置? A. /db_1 B. /oracle C. $/bdump D. $/log Answer: B QUESTION NO: 3 Observe the following PL/SQL block: BEGIN dbms_spm.configure("SPACE_BUDGET_PERCENT", 30); END; Which statement is correct regarding the above PL/SQL block? 有关上述PL / SQL块哪种说法是正确的? A. It automatically purges the SQL management objects when SMB occupies more than 30% of the SYSAUX tablespace. B. It reserves 30% of the space in the SYSAUX tablespace for SQL Management Base (SMB). C. It reserves 30% of the space in the SYSTEM tablespace for SMB. D. It generates a weekly warning in the alert log file when SMB occupies more than 30% of the SYSAUX tablespace. 当SQL管理库占了30%以上的系统辅助表空间时,它会在警报日志文件中产生一个每周预警。
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