复刻(DKU)迪肯大学成绩单,Deakin University transcript
外文名:Deakin University
简 称:DKU
文件类型:JPEG 图像 (.jpg)
澳大利亚迪肯大学共设有四大学部: 艺术人文与教育学部;商业和法律学部;健康学部;以及科学工程和建筑环境学部。每一个学部下分不同的学院,提供课程、研讨会和实践经验,帮助学生实现他们的职业目标。
其中医学(Medicine), 护理与助产学(Nursing and Midwifery)、科学与信息技术(Science and Technology)、建筑与项目管理(architecture)在过去的一些年里,因为其杰出的教学和革新性课程多次获得奖励,声望得到公认,毕业生满意度年年获得很高的评级。迪肯大学所提供的创新多变、极具可塑性的教学方法吸引了全世界各国家、地区的留学生前来求学,同时这也成为了迪肯大学的一大特色。
迪肯大学提供体育管理、临床运动生理、运动发展、体育与运动科学、健康与体育教育领域的课程, 课程受到澳大利亚和国际相关协会的认证。运动科学领域排名世界前3,澳洲排名第1(2019上海交通大学世界大学学科排名) [2] ,体育与运动科学学院拥有全澳唯一和3D Gait(3D步态)开发者合作实验室,可掌握世界最大的3D生物机械行走和运动数据库的数据,并将实验室用于日常教学。临床运动生理学硕士第一个受澳大利亚体育和运动科学协会 (ESSA)认证的运动生理学家(AEP)课程,获得多项ESSA年度奖项。迪肯大学与业界的密切联系意味着我们的学生可以与相关的体育专业人员合作。
迪肯大学在商科、传媒艺术、教育、健康和运动科学、经济和法律、科学工程、信息技术、建筑与项目管理等专业提供一系列课程研究教学迪肯大学在国际上享有盛誉,在每个研究领域都有所建 树。迪肯大学鼓励发展教职工与从事研究的学生之间的建设性伙伴关系,同时也将学生的研究项目纳入到学校的研究活动中。
Chinese name: Deakin University
Foreign name: Deakin University
Abbreviation: DKU
Founded: 1974
Material number: 2022071759
Nature of running a school: public university
File type: JPEG image (.jpg)
Image Category: Deakin University Transcript Sample
Certificate anti-counterfeiting: laser anti-counterfeiting, silver stamping anti-counterfeiting
Faculty Profile: Faculty of Arts and Education, Faculty of Business Law, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Built Environment and Science and Engineering
School website:
Ministry of Education Accreditation: Accredited
Certificate upload time: 2022.7.17
Deakin University in Australia has a total of four university departments: the Department of Arts, Humanities and Education; the Department of Business and Law; the Department of Health; and the Department of Science Engineering and the Built Environment. Each department is divided into different faculties that offer courses, seminars and hands-on experience to help students achieve their career goals.
Among them Medicine (Medicine), Nursing and Midwifery (Nursing and Midwifery), Science and Information Technology (Science and Technology), Architecture and Project Management (architecture) in the past few years, because of its outstanding teaching and innovative curriculum Awarded many times, prestige is recognized, and graduate satisfaction is highly rated year after year. The innovative and flexible teaching methods provided by Deakin University have attracted international students from all over the world to study, and this has also become a major feature of Deakin University.
Deakin University is a large comprehensive institution, especially in the fields of education, psychology, information technology, environment, media, architecture and other fields in Australia.
Deakin University's research focuses on developing links with industry and professional associations, and encourages the development of constructive partnerships between staff and students engaged in research, while also integrating students' research projects into the school's research activities. Deakin University offers a range of course studies in arts, education, health and behavioural sciences, economics and law, science and technology.
Deakin University offers courses in the areas of Sport Management, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Sport Development, Sport and Exercise Science, Health and Physical Education, which are accredited by relevant Australian and international associations. It ranks top 3 in the world in the field of exercise science, and ranks first in Australia (2019 Shanghai Jiaotong University World University Rankings by Subject) [2]. The School of Sports and Exercise Science has the only cooperative laboratory in Australia with 3D Gait (3D gait) developers. Master data from the world's largest database of 3D biomechanical walking and movement, and use the lab for everyday teaching. The Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology is the first accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) course by the Australian Sport and Exercise Science Association (ESSA), winning several ESSA annual awards. Deakin University's strong links with industry mean our students can work with relevant sports professionals.
Deakin University offers a range of research and teaching courses in business, media arts, education, health and sports science, economics and law, science engineering, information technology, architecture and project management. Research fields have made achievements. Deakin University encourages the development of constructive partnerships between staff and students engaged in research, while also integrating students' research projects into the school's research activities.
Deakin University ranks 1% in the world in disciplines such as psychology, accounting and finance, sociology, and law, among which the nursing profession ranks 28th in the world, and the undergraduate education ranks 27th in the world.
The economics major in Deakin University Business School ranks 173 in the Tilburg University World University Rankings for Economics, surpassing the University of Adelaide and the University of Western Australia in the top eight.
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