美国西弗吉尼亚大学毕业证书模板 West Virginia University
美国西弗吉尼亚大学毕业证书模板 ,西弗吉尼亚大学成绩单样本(West Virginia University)是一所成立于1867年的公立大学。它是西弗吉尼亚州最具规模的大学。该校共设有15所学院,以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。十分稳健的学科包括新闻学、体育、农林学和创作艺术。设备新颖的商科经济学院,也深受学生欢迎。
One Bioinformatics position is currently available in Dr. Hu’s lab at the department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, West Virginia University (WVU).
The lab focuses on mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of immune cells and cancer cells through integrative analysis of multi-omics sequencing data and new tool developments (see Immunity 2018, PMID:29466755; Nat Methods 2018, PMID: 30150754; Nat Immunology 2017, PMID: 28759003; Nat Immunology 2013, PMID: 24056746; Cell Stem Cell 2013, PMID: 23260488; Cell 2012, PMID: 23021216).
This position will study epigenetic mechanisms of drug resistance of hematological cancers in the bone marrow microenvironment. Lab home page can be accessible at /Hu.
Strong candidates must have a PhD or a visiting scholar in the area of applied mathematics, bioinformatics, biostatistics, computational biology, or other related backgrounds.
The candidate should have demonstrated strong programming skills on sequence analysis, statistical modeling, or machine learning.
The lab offers ample training opportunities to analyze next-generation sequencing data, including but not limited to RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, Hi-C, 16S rna-seq, microRNA, exome-seq and whole genome sequencing (WGS).
The job also expects that the candidate devote 50% of time to promote team science across the university through collaborative research.
Having first-author research publications in the field of sequence analysis is a strong plus.
Competitive salary and benefits package offered. To apply for this position, please visit hr.research.wvu.edu, click on the “View Jobs”, and type in “14276” in the “key word” text box to locate the job, or use the web-link: /careersec/jobdetail.ftl?job=14276&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York.
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references as part of the application process. For questions or additional information, contact Dr Gangqing Hu (|m|i|c|h|a|e|l|.|h|u|@|h|s|c.|w|v|u|.|e|d|u|).
The West Virginia University Research Corporation is an /E-verify compliant employer.
西弗吉尼亚大学West Virginia University(WVU)是一所四年制公立大学,成立于1867年。学院以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。《2007美国新闻与报道》评的出全美最佳院校中,工程学研究生课程榜上有名。十分稳健的学科包括新闻学、体育、农林学和创作艺术。
西弗吉尼亚大学的在校生曾获得过各种重要奖励。其中:有25个学生获得罗德奖, 18个学生获得杜鲁门奖,30个学生获得“金水奖”(奖励优秀的理科生),2名学生获得英国马歇尔奖(奖励深刻领会不列颠文化的人),2人获尤德尔奖(奖励在环境及美国本地研究方面出色的本科生)《纽约时报大学指南》指出,它是全西弗吉尼亚州最具规模的大学,共设有15所学院,以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。
《Speech Communication Association》进行的一项调查显示,西弗吉尼亚大学的语言传意博士课程,入选“全美十大”,与德州奥斯汀大学和麦迪逊大学齐名。说到医科、牙科、护理和药剂学等课程,西弗吉尼亚大学特别强调一点,大学不会因为种族、国籍、宗教、性别而设“配额”,不过西弗吉尼亚州学生会获得优先人读机会则是事实。
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美国西弗吉尼亚大学毕业证书模板 ,西弗吉尼亚大学成绩单样本(West Virginia University)是一所成立于1867年的公立大学。它是西弗吉尼亚州最具规模的大学。该校共设有15所学院,以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。十分稳健的学科包括新闻学、体育、农林学和创作艺术。设备新颖的商科经济学院,也深受学生欢迎。
One Bioinformatics position is currently available in Dr. Hu’s lab at the department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, West Virginia University (WVU).
The lab focuses on mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of immune cells and cancer cells through integrative analysis of multi-omics sequencing data and new tool developments (see Immunity 2018, PMID:29466755; Nat Methods 2018, PMID: 30150754; Nat Immunology 2017, PMID: 28759003; Nat Immunology 2013, PMID: 24056746; Cell Stem Cell 2013, PMID: 23260488; Cell 2012, PMID: 23021216).
This position will study epigenetic mechanisms of drug resistance of hematological cancers in the bone marrow microenvironment. Lab home page can be accessible at /Hu.
Strong candidates must have a PhD or a visiting scholar in the area of applied mathematics, bioinformatics, biostatistics, computational biology, or other related backgrounds.
The candidate should have demonstrated strong programming skills on sequence analysis, statistical modeling, or machine learning.
The lab offers ample training opportunities to analyze next-generation sequencing data, including but not limited to RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, Hi-C, 16S rna-seq, microRNA, exome-seq and whole genome sequencing (WGS).
The job also expects that the candidate devote 50% of time to promote team science across the university through collaborative research.
Having first-author research publications in the field of sequence analysis is a strong plus.
Competitive salary and benefits package offered. To apply for this position, please visit hr.research.wvu.edu, click on the “View Jobs”, and type in “14276” in the “key word” text box to locate the job, or use the web-link: /careersec/jobdetail.ftl?job=14276&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York.
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references as part of the application process. For questions or additional information, contact Dr Gangqing Hu (|m|i|c|h|a|e|l|.|h|u|@|h|s|c.|w|v|u|.|e|d|u|).
The West Virginia University Research Corporation is an /E-verify compliant employer.
西弗吉尼亚大学West Virginia University(WVU)是一所四年制公立大学,成立于1867年。学院以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。《2007美国新闻与报道》评的出全美最佳院校中,工程学研究生课程榜上有名。十分稳健的学科包括新闻学、体育、农林学和创作艺术。
西弗吉尼亚大学的在校生曾获得过各种重要奖励。其中:有25个学生获得罗德奖, 18个学生获得杜鲁门奖,30个学生获得“金水奖”(奖励优秀的理科生),2名学生获得英国马歇尔奖(奖励深刻领会不列颠文化的人),2人获尤德尔奖(奖励在环境及美国本地研究方面出色的本科生)《纽约时报大学指南》指出,它是全西弗吉尼亚州最具规模的大学,共设有15所学院,以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。
《Speech Communication Association》进行的一项调查显示,西弗吉尼亚大学的语言传意博士课程,入选“全美十大”,与德州奥斯汀大学和麦迪逊大学齐名。说到医科、牙科、护理和药剂学等课程,西弗吉尼亚大学特别强调一点,大学不会因为种族、国籍、宗教、性别而设“配额”,不过西弗吉尼亚州学生会获得优先人读机会则是事实。
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