深圳外国语学校国际部是由深圳市政府投资兴建、面向在深外籍和港澳台人士子女的第一所国际学校,由饮誉省内外的深圳市教育局直属重点学校深圳外国语学校自主举办。深圳外国语学校国际部位于风景秀丽的深圳湾畔,占地面积2.4万平方米,建筑面积为4.2万平方米,引入高水平外籍师资、优质国际课程和先进教学及管理模式,按一流国际学校标准配备先进教育教学设施设备,为在深外籍和港澳台人士子女提供高质量教育服务。学校开设幼儿、小学及中学课程,严格按照国际学校标准采取小班化教学,每班由一位持国际教师资格证书和外国专家证、具有丰富的国际教学经验的优秀外籍教师执教。学校招生对象为在深圳工作的外籍人员子女及港澳台人员子女。学习课程主要采取IB国际课程体系,并结合中国传统文化课程,广泛开展多层次、宽领域的国际教育交流与合作,学习借鉴国际先进教育理念和经验,培养全球化背景下具有国际视野的优秀人才,为深圳建设现代化国际化先进城市做出积极贡献。深圳外国语学校国际部简介办学目标: 国际化 高质量 有特色The showcase of distinctive high qualityinternational education in ShenzhenShenzhen Foreign Languages School International (SFLSI) is the first international school invested by Shenzhen Municipal Government. It serves children of expatriate community who work in Shenzhen and children who are Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan citizens. SFLSI is managed by Shenzhen Foreign Languages School, a prestigious school directly affiliated to the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau.SFLSI is located in the beautiful scenery of the Shenzhen Bay, with a campus occupying a floor area of 24,000 m2 and a construction floor area of 42,000 m2. This school aims to provide distinctive high quality education to students by employing talented expat teachers and introducing distinctive curriculum, facilities, teaching models, and management patterns.Education provided by the school covers kindergarten to middle school. The teaching will be in small classes by certified expat international school teachers with international teaching experience.The school will mainly follow the international curriculum of IB and provide essential traditional Chinese courses as well within each subject area. By conducting its multi-level and extensive international cooperation and exchange, SFLSI aims to introduce the leading education philosophy and experience for achieving its objective of cultivating talents with international vision.
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