


美国南加州大学毕业证书样本,南加利福尼亚大学成绩单样本高清图片University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(USC),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员。 南加大的众多学院均居全美前10。其中电影学院,新闻学院位列全美第1,公共政策学院位列全美第2,建筑学院本科和研究院分别位列全美第5和第9,工程学院位列全美第8,商学院本科和研究院分别列为全美第11和第18。 学校在2018年U.S.News美国大学综合排名上位列第21位,华尔街日报/泰晤士高等教育美国大学排名第15位,2016年世界大学学术排名第49位,2016年CWUR世界大学排名第44位,2016年U.S.News世界大学排名第44位。南加大2018年的本科录取率仅为13%,是全美本科入学竞争最激烈的大学之一。 南加大校友获得奥斯卡奖数量高居全美第一,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、“星战之父”乔治·卢卡斯等影坛巨匠均是该校校友。学校培育了众多的政商界及科技界人才,在硅谷的影响力位居前四。登月第一人尼尔·奥尔登·阿姆斯特朗,高通创始人维特比等均毕业于此。现在被全世界广泛运用的互联网域名系统便是保罗·莫卡派乔斯在南加大发明的。如今学校仍掌控着全球仅13个的根域名服务器之一。在历届世界奥林匹克运动会上,南加大校友累计获得144枚金牌、93枚银牌和72枚铜牌,金牌数量和获奖总量居全美高校第一。


LOS ANGELES — Spring breaks in Bali, resort-style apartment buildings with rooftop pools and tanning beds and regular dinners out at Nobu, where a tab for four roommates could easily stretch into four digits. This is life as a student at the University of Southern California. This is also life as a U.S.C. student: working an overnight shift to earn money for books, going hungry when the campus meal plan runs out and seething as friendspresumethat a $20 glass of wine is affordable.



The divide between rich and poor students could hardly be morevividthan it is at U.S.C., where the children of celebrities and real estate moguls study alongside the children of nannies and dishwashers. Now, the college admissions bribery scheme, which has ensnared dozens of wealthy parents accused of bribing their children’s way into U.S.C., has brought renewed attention to class divides on campus — and how different the student experience can be depending on the size of the bank account.


“U.S.C. tries to paint the campus as this beautiful place to enjoy and relish in abundance,” said Oliver Bentley, asophomorewho is among the first in his family to attend college. “There’s this idea that once you enter U.S.C., you’re all on the same playing field. That in and of itself is a lie. I have met these rich kids who have so much that I can’tcomprehend, doing things that I can’tfathom.” Interviews with students on campus from across the economic spectrum show how difficult it is to navigate a university that tries to be a home for all. After decades of attracting some of Los Angeles’s wealthiest families, U.S.C. hasaggressively recruitedandenrolledstudents who could never afford the roughly $57,000 annualtuition.

Oliver Bentley,大二,是家里最早的大学生,他说:“USC试图把校园描绘成一个美丽而充满享受的地方。有一种观点是,一旦进入USC,你们就在同一个赛场。这本身就是个谎言。我遇到过这些有钱人的孩子,他们有太多我无法理解的东西,做着我无法理解的事情。”对来自不同经济阶层的学生进行校园采访后显示,在一所想要成为所有人家园的大学里找到方向是多么困难。在持续接收几十年洛杉矶最富有家庭的学生后,USC已经开始积极招募并录取那些永远付不起每年5.7万美元学费的学生。

But the reality for many is a microcosm of the economic disparities of the city the campus calls home — and as in the rest of Los Angeles, the vast majority feel ill-equipped to bridge the divide. The university has made attracting students from all backgrounds a priority and by almost any measure, its recruitment efforts have been a resounding success. Theacademic credentialsof incoming freshmen havesteadilyrisen, and applications to the university are at an all-time high.


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