select stuno, stuname, stutel, stuaddress, english, math,chinees
from 学生表 as S, 学生成果表 as R
where S.stuno = R.stuno
from 学生表 left join 学生成果表
on 学生成果表.stuno = 学生表.stuno
order by (english + math + chinese) desc
仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。你能够翻开学生成果表,参加“总成果”这个字段,核算总成果,然后按总成果索引,再从头打印学生成果表中所有记载就行。 select 学生表.*
from 学生表 left join 学生成果表
on 学生成果表.stuno = 学生表.stuno
order by (english cabr证书样本 + math + chinese) descselect a.*,sum(english+math+chinese) as score from 学生表 a inner join 成果表 b
on a.stuno=b.stuno order by score descselect student.* from StudentResult r,Student s
where r.stuno=s.stuno
order by sum(english+math+chinese) desc
xx No. x Middle School of xx
Official Transcripts
名字Name):xxxx xx) 性别Gender):男Male)
出生日期Date of Birth):19xx年x月x日Nov。x, 19xx)
入学日期Enrollment in_the_universe Date):2009年9月September, 2009)
班级Class and Grade):初x x班Class x, Grade x)
Moral Cultivation 思想品德
The full scores of all the subjects above is A。
xx No.x Middle School of xx
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