安大略理工大学(UOIT)是加拿大最现代的公立大学,设施设备完全现代化。于2002年成立,主校区与杜伦学院(Durham College)共享校区。教育学院位于奥沙瓦市中心校区。该校与通用,斯巴鲁等长期合作,所有优势专业以工程类为主。且该校有着加拿大教育部唯一认可的专业—核工程专业。校园总占地面积超过160万平方米,有超过800名在读读学生,国际学生主要以中东,印度及中国为主。校园硬件设施先进,教师团队有着来自不同国家不同文化的教授,讲师。学习氛围浓重。
Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) is the most modern public university in Canada, with completely modern facilities and equipment. Established in 2002, the main campus shares the campus with Durham college. The College of education is located in the downtown campus of Oshawa. The university has long-term cooperation with GM, Subaru and other universities, and all advantageous majors are mainly engineering. And the school has the only major recognized by the Canadian Ministry of Education - nuclear engineering. The campus covers a total area of more than 1.6 million square meters and has more than 800 students. International students are mainly from the Middle East, India and China. The campus hardware facilities are advanced, and the teacher team has professors and lecturers from different countries and cultures. Strong learning atmosphere.
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