The Xi'an Electronic and Science University industry group on business cards
Mr. ××, born in 19××, has studied in the post)graduate curriculum, majoring in ××,××University from September 2002 to March 2005. He has completed a 42.5)-year post)graduate curriculum, passed all the examinations and is qualified for graduation.
President's name (seal)
Mr. ××, born in 19××, has studied in the post)graduate curriculum, majoring in ××,××University from September 2002 to March 2005. He has completed a 42.5)-year post)graduate curriculum, passed all the examinations and is qualified for graduation. It’s certified that he has met the requirements of the “Regulations of Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China”, and is awarded the degree of Bachelor(Master) of Engineering.
Chairman's name (seal)
Chairman of the Academic Degree Committee
on the nomination of the undergraduate studies /graduate studies 本科/研究生)
the degree of Bachelor / Master (学士/硕士)of Science/ Arts (理/文)
with all the rights and privileges thereto pertainning
given at XXX (校园地点地名)
this twenty ninth day of June (可根据实践日期修正)in the year
two thousand and nine
President of the University: 2020吴川二中高考升学率 XXXXDean of the XXX Department: xxx
据说是相同的,中外办学的只要一年,还没有毕业呢,我们都没有见过毕业证。 。 。不过花了那么多钱,毕业证应该差不多的,,,仅有不知道的便是学的是不是相同的,呵呵不同吧,,,一个校园有校园的公章
毕业证样本网创作《西安科技大学英文毕业证(西安科技大学毕业证样本)》发布不易,请尊重! 转转请注明出处:https://www.czyyhgd.com/26453.html