布里斯托大学(University of Bristol),简称“布大”,建于1876年,是一所位于英国英格兰西南部城市布里斯托的世界百强名校,英国老牌名校,以“学术卓越创新与独立前瞻性精神相结合”享誉全球,科研实力全英第9名(2014REF),在QS世界排名中稳居英国十强,历史最高世界排名第27名(2011QS)。布里斯托大学共培养了13位诺贝尔奖得主,是英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团与科英布拉集团创始成员,英国著名的六所红砖大学之一、世界大学联盟成员、欧洲大学协会成员。 布里斯托大学工学院素有“英国工程王国”之称。布里斯托大学在2014英国官方学术评估REF中排名第9,83%的研究成果达到世界领先水平,部分学科与牛津大学并列;2019QS世界大学排名中位居世界第51名;2018THE世界大学排名居世界第76名;2017ARWU世界大学排名居世界第61名。 布里斯托大学以其卓越的教学和研究、精湛的设备和高素质的学生与工作人员享誉国际。作为英国最高科研水平的代表,布大一直是英国本地人心中的顶级名校,也是英国中产阶级家庭最青睐的大学之一,并长久以来作为牛剑之外的首选(Bristol has long been a natural alternative to Oxbridge)。时至今日,学生来自中产家庭的比例依然高达87%,仅次于牛剑位列第三。学校每年有超过40%的本科新生来自私立学校,比例超过剑桥,次于牛津和圣安。 英国首相丘吉尔担任布里斯托大学校监长达36年。现任校监是前英国皇家学会会长、诺贝尔奖得主保罗·纳斯爵士。
Founded in 1876, the University of Bristol (abbreviated as "Bu Da") is one of the top 100 universities in the world in Bristol, a city in the southwest of England. It is an old famous university in the UK. It is famous all over the world for its "combination of academic excellence, innovation and independent and forward-looking spirit". Its scientific research strength ranks ninth in the UK (2014ref) and ranks among the top 10 in the QS World Ranking, The highest in history, ranking 27th in the world (2011qs). Bristol University has trained 13 Nobel laureates. It is a founding member of Russell university group and Coimbra group of the British Ivy League, one of the six famous red brick universities in Britain, a member of the World University Alliance and a member of the European University Association. Bristol University School of technology is known as the "British Engineering kingdom". Bristol University ranked 9th in the 2014 British official academic evaluation ref, 83% of the research results reached the world leading level, and some disciplines were tied with Oxford University; Ranked 51st in the world in the 2019qs world university ranking; In 2018, the world university ranked 76th in the world; In 2017, ARWU ranked 61st in the world. Bristol University is internationally renowned for its excellent teaching and research, exquisite equipment and high-quality students and staff. As the representative of the highest scientific research level in the UK, Buenos Aires University has always been the top famous university among the local people in the UK. It is also one of the most favored universities for British middle-class families, and has long been the first choice other than ox sword (Bristol has long been a natural alternative to Oxbridge). Today, the proportion of students from middle-class families is still as high as 87%, ranking third after Niu Jian. More than 40% of the University's undergraduate freshmen come from private schools every year, surpassing Cambridge, followed by Oxford and St. Ann's. British Prime Minister Churchill served as chancellor of Bristol University for 36 years. The current supervisor is Sir Paul NASS, former president of the Royal Society and Nobel laureate.
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