哈德洎斯頭菲條尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)的历史可追溯到1824年,原校正式建校于1841年。自1992年起正式确立为大学。具有长期开设优质课程、面向职业或求职目标的传统。哈德斯菲尔德学院紧邻哈德斯菲尔德市中心。哈德斯菲尔德大学引在2005年,2006年以及2007年中的全英大学生对学校满意度的调查中都获得高分。哈德斯菲尔德大学在众多领域上的研究都享有国际声誉,其精密技术中心是全英公认最好的精密技术研究中心,同时也是全欧乃至全世界排名前三的精密技术研究中心之一,该中心在精度理论和精密技术方面的研究在全世界都享有极高的声誉。学校面向音乐学生开设的新声波研究实验室更为英格兰大学首创。大学正通过一些重要的新投入,包括任命20名新教授等,来进一步发展其科研及相关企业。
The history of the University of Huddersfield can be traced back to 1824, and the original University was officially established in 1841. It has been officially established as a university since 1992. It has a long tradition of offering high-quality courses and facing career or job search objectives. Huddersfield college is close to the center of Huddersfield. Huddersfield University cited high scores in the surveys of College Students' satisfaction with the University in 2005, 2006 and mid-2007. Huddersfield university enjoys an international reputation for its research in many fields. Its precision technology center is recognized as the best precision technology research center in the UK. At the same time, it is also one of the top three precision technology research centers in Europe and even the world. The center enjoys a high reputation in the research of precision theory and precision technology all over the world. The new sound wave research laboratory opened by the University for music students is the first of its kind in the University of England. The university is further developing its scientific research and related enterprises through some important new investment, including the appointment of 20 new professors.
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