帕森斯设计学院(Parsons School of Design, The New School),成立于1896年,隶属于新学院(The New School),是一所位于纽约市的艺术设计学院。
帕森斯设计学院位列2020 年 QS 世界艺术和设计学校排名世界第三、全美第一,2021年U.S. News艺术学专业排名全球第15名。每年学校向世界各地的各大企业输送毕业生人才,当中不乏赫赫有名的服装设计师,他们大都担任大型企业的重要设计职位,并把握着企业产品的设计风向标。
唻垍帕森頭樤斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院,是全美国第一所设有服装设计、室内设计、平面设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design)会员。帕森斯设计学院的校园有两英亩的校地在纽约市第五大道,主要坐落于纽约格林威治村,著名的时尚部门则位于市中心的制衣区。
帕森斯设计学院有约三千八百名大学生,以及超过四百名研究生。该校也提供专业进修课程与认证课程,以及高中生的周末与夏季学院先修课程。 另外,帕森斯设计学院学生享有很多独一无二的实习机会,包括:香奈儿公司、康泰纳仕集团、迪斯尼公司、梦工厂、谷歌、马克雅克布、Marvel漫画和联合国总部。
Parsons School of design, the new school, founded in 1896, is a school of art and design in New York City.
Parsons School of design ranked the third in the world and the first in the United States by QS World School of art and design in 2020, and the 15th in the world by U.S. News in 2021. Every year, the school sends graduates to major enterprises all over the world, including famous fashion designers. Most of them hold important design positions in large enterprises and grasp the design wind vane of enterprise products.
As the first university in the United States to offer courses in fashion design, interior design and graphic design, Parsons taus School of design has been attached to the new college since 1970. It is also a member of the association of Independent Colleges of art and design. Parsons School of design has a two acre campus on Fifth Avenue in New York City, mainly located in Greenwich Village, New York, and the famous fashion department is located in the garment making area in the city center.
Parsons School of design has about 3800 college students and more than 400 graduate students. The school also offers professional refresher courses and certification courses, as well as weekend and summer pre college courses for high school students. In addition, Parsons School of design students enjoy many unique internship opportunities, including Chanel, Conde Nash group, Disney, DreamWorks, Google, mark Jacobs, Marvel Comics and United Nations headquarters.
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