犹他谷州立大学(英语:Utah Valley University,缩写:UVU)成立于1941年,是一所公立四年制大学。学校坐落于美国犹他州的奥勒姆市。犹他谷大学是获得美国西北高校大学委员会(NWCCU)认证,并开办120多个学士主修课目及研究生课程。犹他谷州立大学的伍德伯里商学院是犹他州州立大学系统最大的商学院,并且获得国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)的认证。教育学院所有学科专业都获得美国教师教育认证委员会的认证。航空飞行专业在全美排名第3名;金融系个人理财专业全美排名第5名;犹他谷州立大学艺术学院荣获“全施坦威学校”称号,与茱徠莉亚音乐学院臫頭筿和耶鲁音乐学院等院校齐名。
Utah Valley State University (English: Utah Valley University, abbreviation: uvu), founded in 1941, is a public four-year university. The school is located in Orem, Utah, USA. Utah Valley University is accredited by the Northwestern University Council (NWCCU) and offers more than 120 bachelor's major courses and graduate courses. The Woodbury School of business at Utah Valley State University is the largest business school in the Utah State University System and is certified by the International Association of higher business schools (AACSB). All disciplines of the College of education are certified by the American Teacher Education Certification Committee. Aviation flight ranked third in the United States; The Department of Finance ranked fifth in the United States in terms of personal finance; The school of art of Utah Valley State University won the title of "quansteinway school", which is as famous as Julia Conservatory of music and Yale Conservatory of music.
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