


Washington State University (WSU) is a famous public research university in the United States. It was founded in 1890 and has a history of more than 120 years. Its main campus is located in Pullman, Whitman County, Whitman County, Washington. The campus covers an area of 620 hectares. Spokane campus and three city campus are also built in the state (tri cities) and Vancouver. The four campuses have more than 23000 students from 50 states in the United States and more than 100 countries in the world.


Washington State University has forged countless knowledge and achievements in its long history, with well-known professors, outstanding students and a community environment with multicultural views. It is one of the 108 universities in the United States that have won Carnegie research fund and is rated as a "high-density research university" The university is a world leader in small grain genetics and breeding, and has helped Washington state become the world's most productive wheat production area. The university has eight colleges: College of Arts and Sciences, business economics, engineering and architecture, agriculture and home economics, education, pharmacy, nursing and veterinary science.

Washington State University is one of the world's top 500 universities in 2021qs, which is published in the Washington Monthly It ranked 48th in the list of the best universities in the United States in 2020. It was rated as a first-class national university by USNEWS, ranked among the top 50 public universities in the United States, ranked 40 by the school of nursing, and ranked 46 by the school of social sciences. Among them, the undergraduate majoring in hotel management ranked among the top 5 universities in the United States. It is also the major with the largest number of students in the University, such as veterinary science, criminology, bioengineering and agricultural engineering It ranks among the top 20 in the United States, and economics, international business, materials engineering, civil engineering, pharmacy and other majors rank among the top 50 in the United States.

School motto: world class, facetoface; school colors: crimson, gray; nickname: cougar

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